Leonardo AI Image Generator – AI Prompt Guide

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Leonardo AI Image Generator – Leonardo Artificial Intelligence AI Prompt Guide: the tool is revolutionizing the way we create visual content, offering a suite of tools that deliver production-quality images and video with speed and style-consistency. As a comprehensive platform, it supports not just AI image generation but extends its capabilities to include an AI Video Generator and Transparent PNG Generator, optimized for the Leonardo AI app. This versatility makes it an invaluable asset for professionals across AI Marketing Tools, Graphic Design, and even AI Architecture, ensuring their creations resonate with innovation and precision.

The platform’s ease of use and the seamless Leonardo AI Guide simplifies the content creation journey, allowing users to rapidly iterate and customize with the Leonardo AI Pricing options in mind. Emphasizing creativity and speed, Leonardo AI stands out as a pioneering choice for those looking to explore AI-assisted art.

What can Leonardo AI Image Generator do?

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Expansive Capabilities of Leonardo AI Image Generator

Leonardo AI Image Generator stands out as a multifaceted platform capable of transforming simple text prompts into detailed images and 3D animations. This is facilitated through a variety of trained models, including specialized options for 3D animation styles. Users initiate this process by entering a textual prompt, choosing their preferred model, and letting the AI work its magic to produce visually captivating outputs.

Seamless Integration and User Experience

Once images are generated, they can be effortlessly reviewed and downloaded. For new users, the platform offers an enticing start with 150 free tokens, enabling them to explore its capabilities without initial investment. Furthermore, the integration between Leonardo AI’s image generation and video creation tools allows users to convert static images into dynamic videos using the Motion tool, enhancing the creative possibilities.

Advanced Features for Enhanced Creativity

The platform is equipped with Leonardo Diffusion XL, PhotoReal, and various other fine-tuned models that users can customize according to their creative needs. Features like 3D Texture Generation and AI Canvas allow users to add depth and texture to their creations, pushing the boundaries of traditional image generation. Image Guidance and Realtime Canvas further refine the creative process, offering tools that improve styling and transform images with unprecedented precision.

Customization and Flexibility

Leonardo AI supports extensive customization options. Users can specify the number of images, the image dimensions, and even opt for photorealistic images. The flexibility extends to adding elements, choosing specific models or styles, and adjusting the final outputs to meet exact creative visions. This level of control ensures that every creation is not only unique but also aligns perfectly with the user’s intent, showcasing the true potential of AI in creative industries.

Transform Text To Video In Second with Leonardo AI Video Generator

Leonardo AI’s innovative tool, Motion, is a game-changer in video production, enabling users to transform generated images into dynamic short video clips. Here’s how it works:

Step-by-Step Process

  1. Generate Your Desired Image: Start by creating an image using Leonardo AI Image Generator. This could be anything from a simple illustration to complex 3D animations.
  2. Convert Image to Video: Utilize the Motion tool on the Leonardo AI platform to animate your still image. This process transforms your static image into a 4-second video clip, bringing your visual content to life.
  3. Extend Video Duration: If you require a video longer than 4 seconds, Adobe Premiere Pro can be employed. This software allows for the extension of video length by creating new animations from captured still images.

Leonardo AI Prompt Guide !!

Step-by-Step Guide to Using Leonardo AI Prompt Guide

  • You must login, create account before using it, When you are finish to login/create account, you will arrive to the screen below. Click on the option ‘Image Generation’ or ‘Create New Image’
Leonardo ai image generator
Leonardo Create Image

  • Then the Leonardo AI Prompt screen will show up, from here you can type the text to order the Leonardo Artificial Intelligence to understand.
  • Also Before you click to Generate button, you should check the the option on the right screen, there are various option that you want to improve the quality – or quantity of the images you want to generate.
Leonardo ai prompt guide Option
Generate Option
  • Type in your request then click on ‘Generate‘ Button for Leonardo AI to generate or you can try to click on the dices button on the left of the prompt, Leonardo Artificial Intelligence will surprise you with it own ideas.
Generate Prompt
Generate Prompt
  • Wait for it around 20s ~ 50s depends on the difficulty of your demand, Leonardo Artificial Intelligence will generate the image for you.
  • Because I choose the option ‘Number of Images’ to 2, Leonardo AI Image Generator generates 2 images for me
Leonardo Generated
Leonardo Generated
  • And this is my favorite, It looks cool huh.
ai image generator

It’s pretty simple but it requires user with strong imagination to bring out the best result. Through this short Leonardo AI Prompt Guide section, we hope that you can easily use Leonardo AI Image Generation features.

Some Point You Should Pay Attention To Before Generate

  1. Entering Your Prompt: Type in exactly what you envision. The Leonardo AI understands both concise phrases and complete sentences. Starting with the main subject helps the AI focus on what’s important.
  2. Adding Details: Enhance your prompt by including additional details. The more specific you are, the more tailored the AI’s output will be. Remember, words placed at the beginning of the prompt carry more weight.
  3. Using Modifiers and Descriptions: Utilize modifiers to direct the AI’s creativity and add specific descriptions to achieve more accurate results. Detailed inputs lead to detailed outputs.
  4. Excluding Unwanted Elements: If there are elements you wish to exclude from the image, specify this in your prompt. The AI is designed to minimize the inclusion of these elements.
  5. Adjusting Settings for Unwanted Aspects: Should unwanted aspects appear, you have options to change the model, aspect ratio, or style. The ‘Canvas’ tool allows for manual removal of these elements.
  6. Influencing Style with References: You can influence the style of your image by referencing popular works, artists, or genres. This helps in mimicking specific artistic styles.
  7. Employing Magical Words and Emojis: Certain words and emojis have the power to influence the style and elements of the generated image significantly. Experiment with these to see varied artistic outputs.
  8. Prioritizing Words: Lastly, position the most critical elements of your prompt at the beginning to ensure they are emphasized in the generated image.

By following these steps and utilizing the features of the Leonardo AI Prompt Guide effectively, users can harness the full potential of AI in creating bespoke and creative visual content.

Leonardo AI Pricing

Leonardo AI Pricing

Leonardo AI offers a versatile and accessible pricing model designed to cater to a wide range of users, from individual creators to large-scale enterprises. Here’s a breakdown of the available options.

Leonardo AI Pricing table:

Free Apprentice Artisan Maestro
Plan Free Apprentice Artisan Maestro
Price $0/month $10/month $24/month $48/month
Tokens 150 fast tokens, resets once per day 8,500 fast tokens, resets monthly 25,000 fast tokens, resets monthly 60,000 fast tokens, resets monthly
Tokens run out Can’t generate image/video or upscales Can’t generate image/video or upscales Can generate image but can’t generate video or upscales Can generate image/video and upscales
Additional Collections Not available Up to 5 collections Up to 15 collections Up to 50 collections
Model Training Not available Train 10 models/month Train 20 models/month Train 50 models/month
Concurrent Generation Not available Not available Not available Allow 3 concurrent Generations

Apart from the Leonardo AI Pricing table above, each type of AI Generation cost as below:

  • Firstly: Leonardo AI Video Generation: 25 tokens/video
  • Secondly: Leonardo AI Image Generation: 10 tokens/video
  • Thirdly : Leonardo AI Upscales: 30 tokens/video

Leonardo API available

Lastly, Leonardo Artificial Intelligence’s Production API comes with flexible pricing options, making it an ideal choice for projects of any scale. This adaptability ensures that businesses can scale their usage up or down based on their current needs without facing steep overhead costs..


In short, through this exploration of the Leonardo AI Image and Video Generator, we’ve delved into its multifaceted capability to transform basic textual prompts into compelling visual and animated content, reinforcing the technological marvel it represents in the realm of artificial intelligence. The platform’s vast suite of features, from the expansive Leonardo Diffusion XL to the user-friendly Prompt Guide, underscores its suitability for a wide spectrum of creative endeavors, from marketing to design and beyond. This impressive array of tools not only streamlines the creative process but also democratizes access to high-quality, AI-generated imagery, making sophisticated content creation accessible to all. This exploration not only highlights the platform’s current achievements but also anticipates the exciting possibilities that lie ahead in the ever-evolving landscape of AI and digital creation. Through the article we hope you choose the Leonardo AI Pricing plan that suit to your need.

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